xorg.conf | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
NAME | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
INTRODUCTION | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
DESCRIPTION | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
/etc/X11/<cmdline> /usr/etc/X11/<cmdline> /etc/X11/$XORGCONFIG /usr/etc/X11/$XORGCONFIG /etc/X11/xorg.conf-4 /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/xorg.conf /usr/etc/X11/xorg.conf.<hostname> /usr/etc/X11/xorg.conf-4 /usr/etc/X11/xorg.conf /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.<hostname> /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf-4 /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf
where <cmdline> is a relative path (with no lq..rq components) specified with the -config command line option, $XORGCONFIG is the relative path (with no lq..rq components) specified by that environment variable, and <hostname> is the machine's hostname as reported by gethostname(__oslibmansuffix__).
When the Xorg server is started by the lqrootrq user, the config file search locations are as follows:
<cmdline> /etc/X11/<cmdline> /usr/etc/X11/<cmdline> $XORGCONFIG /etc/X11/$XORGCONFIG /usr/etc/X11/$XORGCONFIG $HOME/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-4 /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/xorg.conf /usr/etc/X11/xorg.conf.<hostname> /usr/etc/X11/xorg.conf-4 /usr/etc/X11/xorg.conf /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.<hostname> /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf-4 /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf
where <cmdline> is the path specified with the -config command line option (which may be absolute or relative), $XORGCONFIG is the path specified by that environment variable (absolute or relative), $HOME is the path specified by that environment variable (usually the home directory), and <hostname> is the machine's hostname as reported by gethostname(__oslibmansuffix__).
The xorg.conf file is composed of a number of sections which may be present in any order. Each section has the form:
Section N'34'SectionNameN'34' SectionEntry ... EndSection
The section names are:
Files File pathnames ServerFlags Server flags Module Dynamic module loading InputDevice Input device description Device Graphics device description VideoAdaptor Xv video adaptor description Monitor Monitor description Modes Video modes descriptions Screen Screen configuration ServerLayout Overall layout DRI DRI-specific configuration Vendor Vendor-specific configuration
The following obsolete section names are still recognised for compatibility purposes. In new config files, the InputDevice section should be used instead.
Keyboard Keyboard configuration Pointer Pointer/mouse configuration
The old XInput section is no longer recognised.
The ServerLayout sections are at the highest level. They bind together the input and output devices that will be used in a session. The input devices are described in the InputDevice sections. Output devices usually consist of multiple independent components (e.g., a graphics board and a monitor). These multiple components are bound together in the Screen sections, and it is these that are referenced by the ServerLayout section. Each Screen section binds together a graphics board and a monitor. The graphics boards are described in the Device sections, and the monitors are described in the Monitor sections.
Config file keywords are case-insensitive, and lq_rq characters are ignored. Most strings (including Option names) are also case-insensitive, and insensitive to white space and lq_rq characters.
Each config file entry usually takes up a single line in the file. They consist of a keyword, which is possibly followed by one or more arguments, with the number and types of the arguments depending on the keyword. The argument types are:
Integer an integer number in decimal, hex or octal Real a floating point number String a string enclosed in double quote marks (N'34')
Note: hex integer values must be prefixed with lq0xrq, and octal values with lq0rq.
A special keyword called Option may be used to provide free-form data to various components of the server. The Option keyword takes either one or two string arguments. The first is the option name, and the optional second argument is the option value. Some commonly used option value types include:
Integer an integer number in decimal, hex or octal Real a floating point number String a sequence of characters Boolean a boolean value (see below) Frequency a frequency value (see below)
Note that all Option values, not just strings, must be enclosed in quotes.
Boolean options may optionally have a value specified. When no value is specified, the option's value is TRUE. The following boolean option values are recognised as TRUE:
and the following boolean option values are recognised as FALSE:
If an option name is prefixed with N'34'NoN'34', then the option value is negated.
Example: the following option entries are equivalent:
Option N'34'AccelN'34' N'34'OffN'34' Option N'34'NoAccelN'34' Option N'34'NoAccelN'34' N'34'OnN'34' Option N'34'AccelN'34' N'34'falseN'34' Option N'34'AccelN'34' N'34'noN'34'
Frequency option values consist of a real number that is optionally followed by one of the following frequency units:
When the unit name is omitted, the correct units will be determined from the value and the expectations of the appropriate range of the value. It is recommended that the units always be specified when using frequency option values to avoid any errors in determining the value.
FILES SECTION | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
The entries that can appear in this section are:
where <identifier> is an alphanumeric identifier, [attribute] is an attribute wich will be passed to the underlying FPE and <priority> is a number used to order the fontfile FPEs. Examples:
75dpi:unscaled:pri=20 -> /usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi gscript:pri=60 -> /usr/share/fonts/default/ghostscript misc:unscaled:pri=10 -> /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc
where <trans> is the transport type to use to connect to the font server (e.g., unix for UNIX-domain sockets or tcp for a TCP/IP connection), <hostname> is the hostname of the machine running the font server, and <port-number> is the port number that the font server is listening on (usually 7100).
When this entry is not specified in the config file, the server falls back to the compiled-in default font path, which contains the following font path elements (which can be set inside a catalogue directory):
/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/ /usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/ /usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/ /usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/ /usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/
The recommended font path contains the following font path elements:
/usr/shared/X11/fonts/local/ /usr/shared/X11/fonts/misc/ /usr/shared/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled /usr/shared/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled /usr/shared/X11/fonts/Type1/ /usr/shared/X11/fonts/75dpi/ /usr/shared/X11/fonts/100dpi/
Font path elements that are found to be invalid are removed from the font path when the server starts up.
SERVERFLAGS SECTION | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
Options specified in this section (with the exception of the N'34'DefaultServerLayoutN'34' Option) may be overridden by Options specified in the active ServerLayout section. Options with command line equivalents are overridden when their command line equivalent is used. The options recognised by this section are:
MODULE SECTION | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
Entries in this section may be in two forms. The first and most commonly used form is an entry that uses the Load keyword, as described here:
The second form of entry is a SubSection, with the subsection name being the module name, and the contents of the SubSection being Options that are passed to the module when it is loaded.
Example: the extmod module (which contains a miscellaneous group of server extensions) can be loaded, with the XFree86-DGA extension disabled by using the following entry:
SubSection N'34'extmodN'34' Option N'34'omit XFree86-DGAN'34' EndSubSection
Modules are searched for in each directory specified in the ModulePath search path, and in the drivers, input, extensions, fonts, and internal subdirectories of each of those directories. In addition to this, operating system specific subdirectories of all the above are searched first if they exist.
To see what font and extension modules are available, check the contents of the following directories:
/usr/lib/modules/fonts /usr/lib/modules/extensions
The lqbitmaprq font module is loaded automatically. It is recommended that at very least the lqextmodrq extension module be loaded. If it isn't, some commonly used server extensions (like the SHAPE extension) will not be available.
INPUTDEVICE SECTION | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
InputDevice sections have the following format:
Section N'34'InputDeviceN'34' Identifier N'34'nameN'34' Driver N'34'inputdriverN'34' options ... EndSection
The Identifier and Driver entries are required in all InputDevice sections. All other entries are optional.
The Identifier entry specifies the unique name for this input device. The Driver entry specifies the name of the driver to use for this input device. When using the loadable server, the input driver module N'34'inputdriverN'34' will be loaded for each active InputDevice section. An InputDevice section is considered active if it is referenced by an active ServerLayout section, if it is referenced by the -keyboard or -pointer command line options, or if it is selected implicitly as the core pointer or keyboard device in the absence of such explicit references. The most commonly used input drivers are keyboard(4) and mouse(4).
In the absence of an explicitly specified core input device, the first InputDevice marked as CorePointer (or CoreKeyboard) is used. If there is no match there, the first InputDevice that uses the lqmouserq (or lqkeyboardrq or lqkbdrq) driver is used. The final fallback is to use built-in default configurations.
InputDevice sections recognise some driver-independent Options, which are described here. See the individual input driver manual pages for a description of the device-specific options.
DEVICE SECTION | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
Device sections have the following format:
Section N'34'DeviceN'34' Identifier N'34'nameN'34' Driver N'34'driverN'34' entries ... EndSection
The Identifier and Driver entries are required in all Device sections. All other entries are optional.
The Identifier entry specifies the unique name for this graphics device. The Driver entry specifies the name of the driver to use for this graphics device. When using the loadable server, the driver module N'34'driverN'34' will be loaded for each active Device section. A Device section is considered active if it is referenced by an active Screen section.
Device sections recognise some driver-independent entries and Options, which are described here. Not all drivers make use of these driver-independent entries, and many of those that do don't require them to be specified because the information is auto-detected. See the individual graphics driver manual pages for further information about this, and for a description of the device-specific options. Note that most of the Options listed here (but not the other entries) may be specified in the Screen section instead of here in the Device section.
VIDEOADAPTOR SECTION | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
MONITOR SECTION | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
Monitor sections have the following format:
Section N'34'MonitorN'34' Identifier N'34'nameN'34' entries ... EndSection
The only mandatory entry in a Monitor section is the Identifier entry.
The Identifier entry specifies the unique name for this monitor. The Monitor section may be used to provide information about the specifications of the monitor, monitor-specific Options, and information about the video modes to use with the monitor.
With RandR 1.2-enabled drivers, monitor sections may be tied to specific outputs of the video card. Using the name of the output defined by the video driver plus the identifier of a monitor section, one associates a monitor section with an output by adding an option to the Device section in the following format:
Option N'34'Monitor-outputnameN'34' N'34'monitorsectionN'34'
(for example, Option N'34'Monitor-VGAN'34' N'34'VGA monitorN'34' for a VGA output)
In the absence of specific association of monitor sections to outputs, if a monitor section is present the server will associate it with an output to preserve compatibility for previous single-head configurations.
Specifying video modes is optional because the server will use the DDC or other information provided by the monitor to automatically configure the list of modes available. When modes are specified explicitly in the Monitor section (with the Modes, ModeLine, or UseModes keywords), built-in modes with the same names are not included. Built-in modes with different names are, however, still implicitly included, when they meet the requirements of the monitor.
The entries that may be used in Monitor sections are described below.
MODES SECTION | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
Modes sections have the following format:
Section N'34'ModesN'34' Identifier N'34'nameN'34' entries ... EndSection
The Identifier entry specifies the unique name for this set of mode descriptions. The other entries permitted in Modes sections are the Mode and ModeLine entries that are described above in the Monitor section.
SCREEN SECTION | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
Screen sections have the following format:
Section N'34'ScreenN'34' Identifier N'34'nameN'34' Device N'34'devidN'34' Monitor N'34'monidN'34' entries ... SubSection N'34'DisplayN'34' entries ... EndSubSection ... EndSection
The Identifier and Device entries are mandatory. All others are optional.
The Identifier entry specifies the unique name for this screen. The Screen section provides information specific to the whole screen, including screen-specific Options. In multi-head configurations, there will be multiple active Screen sections, one for each head. The entries available for this section are:
Each Screen section may optionally contain one or more Display subsections. Those subsections provide depth/fbbpp specific configuration information, and the one chosen depends on the depth and/or fbbpp that is being used for the screen. The Display subsection format is described in the section below.
DISPLAY SUBSECTION | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
Display subsections have the following format:
SubSection N'34'DisplayN'34' Depth depth entries ... EndSubSection
StaticGray GrayScale StaticColor PseudoColor TrueColor DirectColor
TrueColor DirectColor
Not all drivers support DirectColor at these depths.
The visual types available for the depth 4 are (default is StaticColor):
StaticGray GrayScale StaticColor PseudoColor
The visual type available for the depth 1 (monochrome) is StaticGray.
SERVERLAYOUT SECTION | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
ServerLayout sections have the following format:
Section N'34'ServerLayoutN'34' Identifier N'34'nameN'34' Screen N'34'screen-idN'34' ... InputDevice N'34'idev-idN'34' ... options ... EndSection
Each ServerLayout section must have an Identifier entry and at least one Screen entry.
The Identifier entry specifies the unique name for this server layout. The ServerLayout section provides information specific to the whole session, including session-specific Options. The ServerFlags options (described above) may be specified here, and ones given here override those given in the ServerFlags section.
The entries that may be used in this section are described here.
N'34'CorePointerN'34' N'34'CoreKeyboardN'34' N'34'SendCoreEventsN'34'
Here is an example of a ServerLayout section for a dual headed configuration with two mice:
Section N'34'ServerLayoutN'34' Identifier N'34'Layout 1N'34' Screen N'34'MGA 1N'34' Screen N'34'MGA 2N'34' RightOf N'34'MGA 1N'34' InputDevice N'34'Keyboard 1N'34' N'34'CoreKeyboardN'34' InputDevice N'34'Mouse 1N'34' N'34'CorePointerN'34' InputDevice N'34'Mouse 2N'34' N'34'SendCoreEventsN'34' Option N'34'BlankTimeN'34' N'34'5N'34' EndSection
DRI SECTION | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
VENDOR SECTION | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
SEE ALSO | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
Not all modules or interfaces are available on all platforms.
Display drivers: apm(4), chips(4), cirrus(4), cyrix(4), fbdev(4), glide(4), glint(4), i128(4), i740(4), i810(4), imstt(4), mga(4), neomagic(4), nv(4), r128(4), rendition(4), savage(4), s3virge(4), siliconmotion(4), sis(4), sunbw2(4), suncg14(4), suncg3(4), suncg6(4), sunffb(4), sunleo(4), suntcx(4), tdfx(4), tga(4), trident(4), tseng(4), vesa(4), vga(4), via(4), vmware(4).
Input drivers: citron(4), dmc(4), dynapro(4), elographics(4), fpit(4), js_x(4), kbd(4), keyboard(4), microtouch(4), mouse(4), mutouch(4), palmax(4), penmount(4), tek4957(4), void(4), wacom(4).
AUTHORS | Début | Précédent | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
Sommaire | Début | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |
Table des mots clés | Début | Suivant | Sommaire | Préc.page.lue | Accueil |