curl_easy_recv   Début   Précédent   Suivant   Sommaire   Pré   Accueil
Section: libcurl Manual (3)
Updated: 29 April 2008

NAME   Début   Précédent   Suivant   Sommaire   Pré   Accueil
curl_easy_recv - receives raw data on an "easy" connection  

SYNOPSIS   Début   Précédent   Suivant   Sommaire   Pré   Accueil
#include <curl/easy.h>

CURLcode curl_easy_recv( CURL *curl, void *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *n);  

DESCRIPTION   Début   Précédent   Suivant   Sommaire   Pré   Accueil
This function receives raw data from the established connection. You may use it together with curl_easy_send(3) to implement custom protocols using libcurl. This functionality can be particularly useful if you use proxies and/or SSL encryption: libcurl will take care of proxy negotiation and connection set-up.

buffer is a pointer to your buffer that will get the received data. buflen is the maximum amount of data you can get in that buffer. The variable n points to will receive the number of received bytes.

To establish the connection, set CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY option before calling curl_easy_perform(3). Note that curl_easy_recv(3) does not work on connections that were created without this option.

You must ensure that the socket has data to read before calling curl_easy_recv(3), otherwise the call will return CURLE_AGAIN - the socket is used in non-blocking mode internally. Use curl_easy_getinfo(3) with CURLINFO_LASTSOCKET to obtain the socket; use your operating system facilities like select(2) to check if it has any data you can read.  

AVAILABILITY   Début   Précédent   Suivant   Sommaire   Pré   Accueil
Added in 7.18.2.  

RETURN VALUE   Début   Précédent   Suivant   Sommaire   Pré   Accueil
On success, returns CURLE_OK, stores the received data into buffer, and the number of bytes it actually read into *n.

On failure, returns the appropriate error code.

If there is no data to read, the function returns CURLE_AGAIN. Use your operating system facilities to wait until the data is ready, and retry.  

EXAMPLE   Début   Précédent   Suivant   Sommaire   Pré   Accueil
See sendrecv.c in docs/examples directory for usage example.  

SEE ALSO   Début   Précédent   Suivant   Sommaire   Pré   Accueil
curl_easy_setopt(3), curl_easy_perform(3), curl_easy_getinfo(3), curl_easy_send(3)


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