This section describes the configuration file syntax.
Whitespace is not significant unless it is within quotes.
This provides a wide choice of acceptable indentation styles.
Comments begin with # and continue to the end of the line.
They are treated as whitespace.
Here is an informal grammar:
- file = value*
A configuration file consists of a set of values.
- value = section | assignment
A value can either be a new section, or an assignment.
- section = identifier '{' value* '}'
A section is groups associated values together.
It is denoted by a name and delimited by curly brackets.
e.g. backup {
- assignment = identifier '=' (array | type)
An assignment associates a type with an identifier.
e.g. max_archives = 42
- array = '[' (type ',')* type ']' | '[' ']'
Inhomogeneous arrays are supported.
Elements must be separated by commas.
An empty array is acceptable.
- type = integer | float | string
integer = [0-9]*
float = [0-9]*.[0-9]*
string = '"' .* '"'
Strings must be enclosed in double quotes.